
The Western Kingbird on Wildlife Wednesday


Today,  on Wildlife Wednesday, we have some TC footage of the Western Kingbird. The Western Kingbird is a summer resident of the New Mexico area. They eat mostly bugs so we don't see them at our feeders much but they are big fans of the fountain. Mama really loves the yellow chest and gray wings of these cuties.
Let us know what your favorite thing is about the Western Kingbird
 in the comments.

As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!






  1. he looks super proud... a nice gray fellow...

  2. We like their unshowy but subtly elegant plumage!

  3. Hari Om
    I do very much like that pretty yellow tushie and grey is a most stylish overcoat! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. my favorite thing is the yellow breast, yellow the color of JOY and this little bird says JOY out loud just watching him. and the second thing I love most is all those beautiful trees that show all around your yard. what a view.

  5. What a pretty bird and I love his pale yellow chest!

  6. You and your binoculars are adorable. We don't see many odd birds around here, just the usual boring ones.

  7. We love watching your trail cam videos of all the feathered friends that visit your fountain.

  8. What a great bird to have around...bugs love me especially skeeters.
    Too funny we were on a small errand yesterday over near NCSU Campus. I noticed one of the apartment complex had a wee and much needed face lift. Totally gray building with each unit having a bright happy yellow door. Just like the yellow breasted Western Kingbird.
    I commented to Bryan ohhhh I like the combo of gray and yellow
    Hugs AC

  9. I haven’t been a birdwatcher, but lately we have been getting some beautiful birds at our window feeder. None like your Kingbird!

  10. Charlee: "King of the Birds! Just imagine, if we could catch that one, then we could rule the entire bird kingdom using that bird as our puppet."
    Lulu: "I'm not sure it actually works that way ..."

  11. I love bird watching too. Love the video. You're so cute.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the girls and my best to your peeps. ♥

  12. That's a very attractive birdie and you are so cute sweet Rosy!

  13. Gosh, what a pretty visitor! Love watching him near the water.

  14. The Kingbird is very striking, and he looks quite healthy too. Maybe he could come here and enjoy some of the bugs here.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. They're pretty and smart to be hanging out where the water is.

  16. Thank you for introducing me to such an interesting bird


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